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Epsilon Sigma Omicron (ESO) is an honorary educational society open to all MWC members. Over 60 years ago, the ESO program became a permanent part of the GFWC Education Department. Through ESO, clubwomen are given direction in planned reading for self-enrichment and personal growth. Many GFWC clubwomen have profited from this unique self-improvement program, seen as vital by the members it directly benefits. 

When you participate in ESO, count your volunteer hours under Education & Libraries at SIX hours per book. 

ESO provides clubwomen with a structured reading program that is educational and stimulates a desire for self-improvement. ESO goals include:

  • Encouraging clubwomen’s pursuit of higher education
  • Creating an additional means to unite women in volunteerism
  • Developing a support network for women returning to school
  • Improving current and develop new study skills
  • Stimulating systematic home reading and study with minimal supervision
  • Encouraging the establishment of home libraries and greater use of public libraries
  • Encouraging the formation of reading/study/discussion groups

Members can participate in ESO as part of a reading group or on their own. The program provides membership, awards and certificates, pins, reading lists, and a framework in which to pursue continued self-improvement through reading. Many clubs combine club programming with ESO related activities, such as reading awareness and book promotion.

If you are interested in joining ESO, submit your application and check out our list of books! Please mail your application and $2 fee to Lynn Wiss, 4960 Bivens Dr., Raleigh, NC, 27616.