In 2024, the Mebane Woman’s Club volunteered 112 hours and donated $482 to support our environment.
GOAL: The MWC champions environmental issues at the local, state, national, and international levels. MWC’s Environment Community Service Program specifically focuses on the beautification, cleanup, preservation, and enrichment of the natural resources and landscapes in communities.
Mebane Community Garden
Conserving our natural resources is important to club members. As such, we launched the Mebane Community Garden in 2007 to allow local citizens to rent plots for growing their own produce. The community garden is located downtown on Vine Street behind the Mebane Fire Department on First Street. For more information about the garden, email your questions to [email protected] or visit Mebane Garden’s Facebook page here
Litter Pick Up
Pollinator Gardens
Mebane Trail Rangers
- Programming includes but is not limited to; birding workshops, hiking 101 workshops, and two youth programs: Little Explorers and Junior Trail Rangers.
- Maintenance includes but is not limited to maintaining the trails at Cates Farm Park and the Urban City Trails.
Follow Mebane Trail Rangers Facebook page for updates and announcements. Click HERE
Want to join this CSP?

Litter pick up at Holt St. Park and along the creek

Annual Hike & Brunch at Cates Farm Park

Little Explorers 'into the woods we go!'